Sunday, July 24, 2022

5 Best Herbal Teas for Arthritis and Gout

Arthritis is a very painful and potentially disabling disease or disorder that affects millions of men, women, and children. If you are suffering from arthritis, it can make your life much harder and limit the activities you can do.

I wrote this article to explain what is arthritis and how you can relieve its symptoms with natural remedies.

These home remedies can help treat different types of arthritis, including gout, and the pain and stiffness that they cause.

What Exactly is Arthritis?

Arthritis is a chronic inflammatory disease that affects more than 50 million adults and 300,000 children in the US alone. Age is a big risk factor, which is why middle-aged to senior adults over 60 are more likely to develop the condition. 

This condition attacks the joints and muscles, but can also have an impact on the spine or immune system depending on the type of arthritis.

Body parts and joints commonly affected are:

  • Jaw, neck, and shoulders
  • Hands, wrists, and elbows
  • Knees, ankles, and feet
  • Spinal joints

Arthritis sometimes causes permanent joint changes that result in hard nodules or “knots” on the finger, knuckle, arm, elbow, or knee. 

What makes matters worse is there is no cure for the disease and mainstream treatments provide only temporary relief.


How do you know if you have arthritis? The most common symptom will be pain and stiffness of a joint or joint. This could be accompanied by swelling and redness in the area and difficulty extending and moving this joint. Symptoms can vary depending on which form of arthritis is afflicting you but those listed above seem common throughout arthritis types.

What Causes Arthritis?

The exact cause of arthritis has yet to be pinpointed, but medical professionals have identified factors that may lead to arthritis. Stress or repetitive motion on a particular joint due to a sport or activity in your professional can lead to arthritis. An injury to a joint can also lead to arthritis. Being obese which puts added stress on certain joints also may be a factor. 

Recent studies even point to gout being another cause of arthritis. At the same time, the evidence does not show that individuals who exercise frequently have a greater chance of developing arthritis. 

So while much is known, there is just as much that is not known. Researchers are constantly seeking out new information on the causes of arthritis, hoping they will lead to a cure.

Treating Arthritis

There is no known cure for arthritis, but there are many different treatments available. What treatment steps you take may depend on what type of arthritis you have and the severity level. Treatments are tailored to specific symptoms and how painful the arthritis is. Once your doctor has identified your specific type of arthritis you can be tailoring a treatment plan specifically for you.

Regardless of the type of arthritis that you are suffering from, early detection and treatment can greatly impact your life. By detecting arthritis early and starting a treatment plan, you can reduce the amount of future damage to the joint.

Your treatment plan will start with your doctor. Your doctor may also recommend an arthritis specialist, a physiotherapist, and other specialists to tailor your treatment plan. Using a variety of specialists will ensure you are getting a multi-pronged approach.

All forms of arthritis will have redness and swelling of the afflicted joint. Thus, the first step in treating arthritis symptoms is to reduce this swelling and keep inflammation at bay. The methods used to accomplish this can range from medicine to physical therapy to herbal remedies.

5 Best Herbal Teas for Arthritis and Gout

In addition to the treatments listed above, there is science-backed evidence that herbal teas can help with relieving the symptoms of arthritis.

I think it makes sense to combine as many effective methods as possible to get the best results.

Based on my research, here are the 5 best herbal teas for treating arthritis:

1. Turmeric Tea

Turmeric tea is a tasty and healthy drink made from fresh or dried turmeric root. In traditional Indian and Chinese medicine, it has been used to treat various conditions for thousands of years. 

The active ingredient in turmeric is curcumin. It is a compound that has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects on the body.

Scientific studies conclude that turmeric has a range of health benefits and can be a potential natural treatment for arthritis pain and inflammation.

2. Ginger Tea

Ginger tea is easy to make and is loaded with anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties that may help with chronic arthritis pain and inflammation.

A simple cup of ginger tea made from hot water and grated fresh ginger, tea bag, or ginger extract has many medicinal benefits.

3. Rosehip Tea

Similar to turmeric and ginger teas, rosehip tea is packed with antioxidants and anti-inflammatory agents that can fight osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis. This is based on the results of randomized trials done using standardized rosehip powder. 

Rosehip contains galactolipids, a phytochemical with anti-inflammatory actions that consistently reduced pain in patients with arthritis. Another positive finding is that rosehip powder does not produce certain side effects of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and aspirin.

4. Willow Bark Tea

Willow bark’s pain-relieving potential is why different cultures traditionally use it for common ailments such as headaches and menstrual cramps. 

If you’re like me, then you might enjoy a hot cup of tea made from dried willow bark chips and brewed into a dark burgundy color tea. I use it as a natural alternative for minor aches and pains instead of reaching for painkillers.

Studies on willow bark’s analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects discovered that it works similarly to aspirin and relieves mild to moderate pain without adverse effects such as blood clotting.

Furthermore, the flavonoids and polyphenols in willow bark increase its analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects making it a better and safer pain-relieving option.

5. Frankincense/Boswellia Tea

The compounds found in this plant work by blocking the production of hormone-like substances in your body known to trigger joint inflammation. 

The anti-inflammatory action of Boswellia is owed to the Boswellic acid it contains. The acid acts in the body in a similar manner to pharmaceutical NSAIDs, a first-line of treatment for arthritis and other inflammatory diseases such as irritable bowel syndrome (IBS).

As you can see, there are many herbal teas that have pain-relieving and anti-inflammatory effects making them potent complementary or alternative remedies for arthritis. 

CAUTION: Now I need you to pay very close attention to this

This 3 step strategy completely reverses arthritis in 21 days or less

Imagine for a moment your arthritis completely vanishing right now.

If, in a moment, your pain and stiffness melted away. And your joints all of a sudden functioned like a well-oiled machine.

Like a magic wand was waived, you’d be able to jump up from your chair and run around the room like a kid.

And imagine that you’d never have to suffer as much as a pinch of arthritis stiffness or pain ever again.

This is not a fantasy. Thousands of people have permanently healed their arthritis following the 3 simple steps explained here...