Thursday, December 8, 2022

How to Stop Gout Pain Naturally — A Scrumptious Strawberry and Pineapple Mix!

Want to know how to stop gout pain naturally? Then you’ve landed at the right place. Here, you’ll discover how you can stop gout pain with 2 delicious fruits.

First, let’s look together at what actually causes the pain of gout. The cause is the accumulation of uric acid crystals in your joints and surrounding tissue. The affected area is bombarded by your own body’s inflammatory reaction to these ‘intruders’, and it’s this that causes the symptoms of gout; redness, swelling, stiffness, inflammation, and great pain.

So when having a gout attack, the first step is to get rid of the pain, right? Well, you do this by reducing the inflammation, which in turn helps to relieve the pain of your gout.

Of course, drug-based medication using things like NSAIDs, colchicines, and corticosteroids can help do this, and in most cases, very well. But their side effects are really bad, e.g. vomiting, nausea, stomach pains, bleeding, ulcers, etc. So that more gout sufferers are turning to totally natural methods to stop their gout pain.

There are tons of natural ways to do this, but two that can be effective are pineapple and strawberries. Now let’s look at why these are so beneficial to you as a gout sufferer…


The pineapple plant contains a proteolytic enzyme called ‘bromelain.’ These enzymes are capable of breaking down fibrin which is a blood-clotting protein. This means that they allow for better blood circulation and tissue drainage. They can also help prevent the production of agents that can cause inflammation.

The end result is that the consumption of pineapples can help to reduce inflammation, and so relieve gout pain naturally.


Strawberries are very high in vitamin C, and in one study, people who took vitamin C over several days lowered their measured blood uric acid level. Strawberries also contain flavonoids which have antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties.

The outcome is that eating strawberries may not only help to reduce the inflammation and pain of gout but also help to reduce uric acid levels.

Now you can eat these on their own, or, you can combine the two together. For years my wife has mixed together fresh pineapple (cut into cubes) and fresh strawberries (halved) in a plastic container and left it overnight in the fridge.

The next morning the juices have combined and the overall taste is just gorgeous. As a gout sufferer, you could do this nightly and have the fruit mix the next morning for breakfast. If you wish you could also add low-fat yogurt.

As I said above there are tons of natural home remedies out there and some work better than others. But, what might work for some, may not work for other gout sufferers. So you need to discover which works best for you.

But, it’s one thing to stop gout pain, it’s another to stop gout from returning time and again. And once you have suffered one gout attack, you’re highly likely to suffer more. This is bad because frequent gout attacks over time can result in you having permanently damaged joints and/or damaged kidneys.

So, not only do you need to stop gout pain, but you also need to prevent recurring gout attacks. And for this, you need more than we have discussed here.

You’re in luck though. There’s a special gout report available online [see below] that has all the information you need in one place. It is what thousands of ex-gout victims worldwide have successfully used to prevent their gout from returning. It also contains a special 2-hour gout pain relief program.

And it uses fully-researched, totally natural methods. So that you benefit in two ways: (1) you get rid of your excruciating pain very fast, and, (2) you prevent your gout from returning so that you reduce the risk of permanent damage.

CAUTION: Now I need you to pay very close attention to this

GOUT gone for good in 4 weeks

Gout is pretty unpleasant, to say the least.

But what can you do about it...

  • Eat less meat?
  • Drink less alcohol?
  • Drink more water?

Follow the usual advice?

I'm sure you already tried all that, but it made zero difference didn't it?

The pain remained as bad as ever?

Our doctors mean well, but the medications they prescribe are trying to manage the disease rather than cure it. I'm sure that's not what you want. You want your gout cured, not managed. Right?

But now there is a new discovery that changes everything about how we treat gout. Researchers from the US and Europe have worked out what causes gout.

In fact, they've known for some years now. And finally, there is a drug-free, supplement-free natural health approach that turns this new knowledge into a cure.

...a gout cure, which has worked for thousands of people already. It's not complicated. Most people get rid of their gout in days. No pain. No nothing. Simply no gout.

It's your turn now. Click here, and I'll tell you how it works...

10 High Protein Foods To Avoid With Gout

Gout is characterized as a health condition that affects different joints in the body, more in particular the big toe. Gout is regarded as a certain type of arthritis that usually leads to pain and inflammation in the joints. 

The abrupt onset of soreness in the joints is because of the presence of abnormally high amounts of uric acid deposits in the blood.

Uric acid takes place in our bodies naturally. It is the by-product of the breakdown of proteins and purines. Purines are chemical compounds that are also naturally present in some types of foods. 

When the synthesis of uric acid increases considerably, the accumulation of uric acid crystals takes place in the joints which can lead to pain and swelling.

Aside from taking some medications for gout, a proper diet is also very essential in the management and eradication of this form of arthritis. There are some foods to avoid with gout as these food items are known for prolonging the time of recovery. 

These foods to avoid gout can actually aggravate the condition and lead to more discomfort among patients. Patients suffering from this form of arthritis should try to stay away from these particular foods.

Gout patients should know that some foods to avoid with gout can be foods high in protein. These certain food items are abundant in purine and they can actually worsen the symptoms of gout. 

Staying away from foods that are very rich in purine content is the key to stopping the excessive synthesis of uric acids. Having a diet that is low in purine content is important in lessening the inflammation in the joints.

High Protein Foods and Gout

Belly fat, menopause, and obesity are the start of a bad relationship for high uric acid levels that lead to gout. Belly fat and high uric acid levels go hand in hand. Belly fat begins straining your organs like your kidneys. This definitely is not a love story. Gout hurts like hell!

I had a discussion with a friend the other day and I told him I had gout and the dreaded belly fat. Coming straight to the point he said, “you need to exercise more”.

No one likes to hear the truth especially when the point hit home. He was right. We want to find an excuse for getting out of anything that requires pain and sacrifice. 

I am afraid to get too far away from my house because I am afraid my big toes will not let me find my way home. So I came up with this simple plan to walk in my backyard.

I put a heavy sweatshirt on and turned on my iPod. I saw my neighbor and I felt compelled to tell him I wasn’t crazy walking in circles. I had to save some of my dignity!

Red meat, fish, and organic meat are not going to work for you if you are on a uric acid diet. High-protein foods for weight loss will only make your joints hurt even more (in my case, my big toes).

You develop high uric acid levels because you’re eating high-purine foods (red meats, fish, and organic meat). Foods high in purine are creating this terrible joint pain.

Here is a list of 10 foods to avoid with gout (Many more foods could be on this list, but I started with 10):

  1. Tuna in oil
  2. Tuna
  3. Soy Sauce
  4. Sardines in oil
  5. Shrimp
  6. Turkey
  7. Trout
  8. Chicken Breast With Skin
  9. Salmon
  10. Pork

A time will come when you have to do what’s best for your health. Here is a starter list of 10 foods that are good if you are on a uric acid diet:

  1. Pear
  2. Tomato
  3. Strawberries
  4. Cucumbers
  5. Radishes
  6. Apples
  7. Fennel
  8. Lettuce
  9. Onion
  10. Spinach

Belly fat is not allowing you to do the things you want to do. In addition to gout, it prevents you from getting the exercise you need to lose those love handles.

If you have high uric acid levels, you need to be aware of foods to avoid gout. Your joints will thank you.

CAUTION: Now I need you to pay very close attention to this

Gout is NOT for life - I cured 3 years of gout in 4 weeks

Gout is pretty unpleasant, to say the least.

But what can you do about it…

  • Eat less meat?
  • Drink less alcohol?
  • Drink more water?

Follow the usual advice?

I’m sure you already tried all that, but it made zero difference didn’t it?

The pain remained as bad as ever?

Our doctors mean well, but the medications they prescribe are trying to manage the disease rather than cure it. I’m sure that’s not what you want. You want your gout cured, not managed. Right?

But now there is a new discovery that changes everything about how we treat gout. Researchers from the US and Europe have worked out what causes gout.

In fact, they’ve known for some years now. And finally, there is a drug-free, supplement-free natural health approach that turns this new knowledge into a cure.

…a gout cure, which has worked for thousands of people already. It’s not complicated. Most people get rid of their gout in days. No pain. No nothing. Simply no gout.

It’s your turn now. Click here, and I’ll tell you how it works…