Friday, January 20, 2023

8 Proven Methods of Relief For Joint Pain

If one is suffering from joint pain, over time, it becomes extremely necessary to be able to manage that pain, for one's quality of life and mental well-being.

This article will look at the ways people use to manage the pain that they feel in their joints.

1. Heat and cold

If the pain in the joints that you are experiencing is a result of arthritis, the heat and cold therapy may only work for certain types of arthritis, not on all types.

Before you adopt this treatment, make sure your doctor signs it off and actually approves before you put it to use. Let your doctor be the one to let you know what kind of temperatures you should be used for the affected area.

The heat and cold relief methods are normally used for a period of about 15 minutes at a time, and they can be effective in releasing joint pain. People who have poor blood circulation should avoid using cold packs to relieve the pain in their joints.

2. Joint protection

Sometimes, the joint pain can be such that a brace is needed to alleviate the pain. Again, this will come from your doctor, and he or she will also be able to tell you which brace is the best for the joint pain that you are suffering from.

3. Massage

Massages can be used to alleviate the pain, but are usually for temporary relief. This method involves having the muscles over the joint stroked and this is instrumental in stimulating blood flow toward the affected area.

It is best to have someone who is a professional perform the massage so that they have some sort of understanding of the disease.

4. Exercise

Exercise is extremely important for one's overall health and wellness, and it helps people manage a lot of other diseases, not just joint pain. Someone suffering from joint pain needs to engage in low-impact exercises like walking, swimming, and stretching as well as low-impact aerobics.

Moving your joints will help alleviate the joint pain and lessen the inflexibility that is in the joints.

5. Weight Reduction

One of the issues that make joint pain worse is the excess weight on one's body, which puts extra pressure on the joints. Losing weight for joint pain sufferers will not only help with pain reduction but will also aid in controlling the osteoarthritis in one's knees and can slow the process down significantly.

6. Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation (TENS)

Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation makes use of small equipment positioned close to the joint afflicted with arthritis and channelizes small electric sensations to nerve endings inside and surrounding the arthritic joint.

It is believed that TENS stops the pain signals delivered to the brain from nerves and changes the body’s reception of pain impulses. TENS is said to ease the joint pain that is a result of arthritis, however, it does not help when it comes to the swelling that comes with the pain.

7. Surgery

Surgery is, for the most part, the last option for most patients. The surgeon usually operates to sever the synovium from the body, relay the joint, or in the worst cases, substitute the affected joint with an artificial one.

This kind of surgery where a person goes for joint replacement has allowed people to regain their mobility and enjoy their lives again, as it allows for great pain relief. People who have tried all forms of relief might have surgery as a last option, for a chance to have a normal life again.

8. Knee Candy

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1 Unique Way to Stop Gout Pain

Gout has to be one of the most painful conditions there is. And when you are suffering an attack you’ll do anything to stop gout pain. You can use drugs, or, you can utilize natural remedies. Here, you’ll learn about one home-based remedy to stop gout pain.

Gout is caused by high levels of uric acid in the blood which build up in the joints in the form of crystals of uric acid (urate). The result is the symptoms of gout; stiffness, swelling, heat, redness, inflammation, and, of course, excruciating pain.

Mainstream treatment for pain is usually by anti-inflammatory drugs such as non-steroidal anti-inflammatory (NSAIDs) which work very well. But they do have nasty side effects like; nausea, vomiting, stomach pain, bleeding, and stomach ulcers. So many sufferers are now looking for natural ways to stop gout pain.

Nature does supply us with very many things that have natural anti-inflammatory properties. But one that might surprise you is celery seeds. Yes, celery seeds…

Celery seeds have nearly 20 different kinds of anti-inflammatory properties that make them extremely useful in reducing inflammation and stopping gout pain. They are also a diuretic, so they can help excrete urine, and so, uric acid from the body. This helps to lower uric acid levels, which again aids gout relief.

Celery seeds can be taken as a drink or as an extract…

As a drink, you should add 1 tablespoon of celery seeds to 2 cups of water and boil until the seeds are soft. Strain the seeds off, then drink 1/2 cup four times a day until the symptoms disappear.

But many people prefer the extract option because the drink can taste bitter. Celery seed extract comes in tablet or capsule form. Follow the dosage on the label.

You can also eat fresh, raw celery. The active components are in the stalk. Eat between 4 to 8 stalks every day. You can make it more appealing by eating it with some low-fat cheese.


Celery seeds are a diuretic so always drink plenty of water. And they should never, ever be used by anyone with any kidney problems whatsoever. They should not be used by pregnant women either. As always, discuss with your doctor before trying.

But celery and celery seeds are just one of many natural remedies for gout out there. And for those of you who might not be able to take them, there are sure to be others that you can. You just have to find the remedy that’s right for you.

You’re in luck though. There’s a special gout report available online that has all the info. you need. It is what thousands of ex-gout victims worldwide have successfully used to prevent their gout from returning. It also contains a special 2-hour gout pain relief program.

And it uses fully-researched, totally natural methods. So that you benefit in two ways: (1) you get rid of your excruciating pain very fast, and, (2) you prevent your gout from returning so that you reduce the risk of permanent damage.

CAUTION: Now I need you to pay very close attention to this

Gout is NOT for life - I cured 3 years of gout in 4 weeks

Gout is pretty unpleasant, to say the least.

But what can you do about it…

  • Eat less meat?
  • Drink less alcohol?
  • Drink more water?

Follow the usual advice?

I’m sure you already tried all that, but it made zero difference didn’t it?

The pain remained as bad as ever?

Our doctors mean well, but the medications they prescribe are trying to manage the disease rather than cure it. I’m sure that’s not what you want. You want your gout cured, not managed. Right?

But now there is a new discovery that changes everything about how we treat gout. Researchers from the US and Europe have worked out what causes gout.

In fact, they’ve known for some years now. And finally, there is a drug-free, supplement-free natural health approach that turns this new knowledge into a cure.

…a gout cure, which has worked for thousands of people already. It’s not complicated. Most people get rid of their gout in days. No pain. No nothing. Simply no gout.

It’s your turn now. Click here, and I’ll tell you how it works…