Thursday, April 7, 2022

What Your Doctors Forgot to Tell You about Arthritis Treatment

 A car lasts 20 years. A microwave could last 25 years. A human body lasts 80 years. And if you suffer from arthritis, you might be thinking that your body will only last 40 years. But you’re wrong!

Arthritis could now be labeled the newest epidemic to plague all industrial countries. And I emphasize ‘industrial’. And if you have researched the statistics on arthritis and treatments, you would know that both cases and costs for arthritis have literally quadrupled in recent decades. But why is this? Could arthritis pain relief be as simple as looking into our past?

What our past tells us about arthritis pain relief

A close friend of mine grew up on a farm in Iowa and during his childhood, he worked! In fact, their whole backyard was a garden growing produce for the 12 member family’s meals for the rest of the year.

And as I picture a dinner table with 12 hungry mouths, my mouth drops to consider what things would be like only 50 years ago. But recently, I asked my friend a question.

“Did your dad or mom ever suffer from arthritis?” I wondered. My friend reflected and to the best of his ability he never thought arthritis was a problem until their late 70s. Can you imagine not feeling the pain of arthritis up until you are 70+ years old?

But how come we are part of the first generation that arthritis is affecting so young?

Could your diet and activity level be the problem? If you consider how most people lived 100 years ago (pre-industrial), you might speculate how diets and activity levels differed. But what does this have to do with arthritis? Everything!

How Nutrition, Breathing and Exercise Cure Arthritis

Obviously, things have changed over the course of a half-century. For one, our diets have completely changed because of our now fast lifestyle. Secondly, our exercise patterns have also changed in the past century.

Instead of working out with a ‘blue collared’ job; we now take the stairs instead of the elevator for our daily workout. And thirdly, because of our sedentary lifestyles, our bodies are also starving for oxygen which is typically not a problem if you work on your feet all day.

The result of our 21st-century lifestyle! Almost 100 million arthritis sufferers in the United States alone and billions elsewhere. That is about 1 in every 3 adults suffering from one form of arthritis or another. And as gas prices rise so will arthritis cases!

But what are we to do? Fortunately, arthritis pain relief might be simpler than you expect if you watch your diet, begin to slowly work into an exercise routine, and increase your oxygen levels with simple breathing exercises you can do right in your work office!

Arthritis Pain Relief Tips

1. Nutrition!

What you put in your mouth has the greatest impact on hurting or helping your arthritic symptoms. You must begin to think of your diet as your treatment as opposed to satisfying your palette.

The basic rule for easing arthritis pain away is eating fresh and raw foods in their natural state. Stay away from fast foods, processed foods, and anything that is canned. Large amounts of additives and preservatives will wreak havoc on the joints.

2. Working out!

Did you know that you need about 20 minutes of moderate activity level for your body to reach the level to release chemicals for a ‘runner’s high’. Unfortunately, most people exercise for about 15 minutes and never get that addicting ‘runner’s high’ to keep the momentum going.

Start working out slowly and eventually work your way up to at least 20 minutes a day. My friend’s 70 years young, ex-arthritis mother is arthritis-free and now works out an hour each day. You can do it too!

3. Water!

This needs to become your drink of choice in all situations. Avoid caffeinated and carbonated drinks at all costs. Drink 10–12 tall glasses per day.

4. Breathe!

Did you know that those who have poor posture are also getting less oxygen to their body? It is kind of a vicious cycle! But if you can learn simple breathing exercises, you can actually feel years younger and your joints will too!

5. Vitamins!

The average person knows very little about vitamins. And unfortunately, the average arthritic sufferer knows even less! Our report gives a detailed report on what vitamins are essential for rebuilding cartilage between worn joints and which ones are a waste of your money. Are you taking your vitamins?

6. Alkaline vs. Acidic Foods!

You might not realize what foods are acidic or alkaline but you should if you have joint pain. You should be eating a composition of 70% alkaline compared to 30% acidic. For a list of foods please see our report.

7. Deer Antler Velvet?

You might be scratching your head on this but if you know anything about the male deer you know that they regenerate their deer antlers. And the same compound could regenerate cartilage in your joints.

8. Stress!

Finally, you need to play again. Do you remember when you had a little fun and forgot about the bills, job, and busyness? Find that thing that makes you come alive and do it again.

Are You Ready for Freedom?

This 3 step strategy completely reverses arthritis in 21 days or less

Imagine for a moment your arthritis completely vanishing right now.

If, in a moment, your pain and stiffness melted away. And your joints all of a sudden functioned like a well-oiled machine.

Like a magic wand was waived, you’d be able to jump up from your chair and run around the room like a kid.

And imagine that you’d never have to suffer as much as a pinch of arthritis stiffness or pain ever again.

This is not a fantasy. Thousands of people have permanently healed their arthritis following the 3 simple steps explained here…