Thursday, November 3, 2022

Why Curing Gout Does Not Require Medication?

When does the weight of a 4-ounce blanket feel like the weight of a 4-ton truck? When you suffer from the arthritic pain of gout. Can you relate?

If you are considering the various options for gout treatment, it is important to know that you can save hundreds of dollars and more effectively treat gout (long-term) with a gout natural treatment. In fact, a simple natural gout treatment can stop the gout pain in less than 2 hours.

However, most gout sufferers opt for the traditional method of medication and injections to decrease the arthritic pain because of convenience. Have we become that dependent upon doctors and medication for our health?

The irony of this is that naturally treating gout is often more simple, more affordable, and more convenient than the traditional treatment for gout. Let me explain why your doctor forgot to mention a centuries-old gout home remedy.

Natural Cures and Home Remedies for Gout

Did you know that research is finally catching up with natural health? Years ago, natural health was looked upon as a placebo that worked only on your crazy aunt.

However, recently (last 10 years) the science community has begun to research numerous natural cures to understand if and why infamous natural cures work. And the gout natural treatment was at the top of the researcher’s list.

As research has begun to find what remedies are legitimate and what remedies are quack, the question has appeared, “Is the medical community trying to take care of our health and leave you with an empty pocketbook?”

Why is the medical community attempting to keep simple and effective natural remedies out of hospitals? Could the money lost (billions) be too large of a blow to the money-hungry industry?

So why should you choose to naturally treat gout? Besides saving hundreds to thousands of dollars, you will also be helping your body heal holistically.

Holistic is a fancy word for ‘whole body healing’ because naturally treating gout allows your entire body to restore itself while the uric acid that causes gout is naturally flushed from your body. And the best part, research concludes that naturally treating gout is legitimate.

Does the Natural Treatment for Gout Work?

Consider this! A natural treatment that is effective, guaranteed, and WORKS in less than 2 hours! Would you try it? Of course, you would because money does NOT grow on trees and it’s guaranteed (doctors never guarantee their prescription!) And so is the proven natural treatment for gout.

The gout natural treatment uses remedies that work against the cause of gout (uric acid). By using simple fruits, simple vitamins, and a basic cooking ingredient to neutralize the acid, it is possible to cure gout in less than 2 hours.

As the neutralizer relieves the gout pain, the water-soluble fiber causes the body to flush the uric acid (the cause of gout) from the body which eliminates future gout attacks.

Imagine no more pain! No more worrying! No more gout!

But why doesn’t your doctor tell you about this?

Questions to Ponder….

Why are pharmaceutical companies labeled multi-billion dollar industries? Why do medications cost sometime 50x the amount in America than they do across the border? Why does a pharmacist get paid 6 digits for counting pills and reading instructions? And why does your doctor get paid more than your governor?

Now Listen Very Carefully Here:

Gout is NOT for life — I cured 3 years of gout in 4 weeks

First, let me tell you: you have all my sympathy. I know exactly what you’re going through. When I had gout it was the worst pain I’d ever experienced. I honestly thought I was going to suffer it for the rest of my life.

I know gout will be pretty unpleasant for you too. But what do we do about it?

Eat less meat? Drink less alcohol? Drink more water? Follow the usual advice?

I did all that. It made zero difference to me. The pain remained as bad as ever. Our doctors mean well but the medications they prescribe are trying to manage the disease rather than cure it.

That’s not what a gout sufferer wants. I wanted that disease cured, not managed. I’m guessing you’re the same. Yet researchers from the US and Europe have already worked out what causes gout.

In fact, they’ve known for some years now.

And there is a drug-free natural health program that turns that knowledge into a cure. It has now worked for thousands of us.

It’s not complicated. I had gout for three years. I got rid of it in four weeks.

Since then?

More than two years with no flare-ups. No pain. No nothing. Simply no gout.

It’s your turn now. Let me tell you how it works.