Saturday, December 3, 2022

10 Dieting Tips to Attack Gout!

Millions of people suffer from agonizing attacks on their bodies! Gout! Maybe you are currently dealing with gout symptoms? Possibly you are attempting to help a loved one who is suffering from late-night gout attacks. You have come to the right place!

Knowledge of gout is the key to not only treating gout attacks and the disease but also preventing additional damage to your body. 

Did you know that gout suffers symptoms that could include: heat, pain, redness, stiffness, swelling to the affected area, arthritis attacks that develop in hours, and other physical and emotional problems.

Unfortunately, these are not all of the symptoms. Gout can also cause high blood pressure and kidney stones if left untreated. These symptoms can also be life-threatening if left untreated. 

Simply put, you need to treat your gout as soon as possible to avoid these debilitating effects. But how? By what do you eat! The food you eat. The diet you keep. The lifestyle you live!

Gout Prevention through Diet

Why treat gout with your diet? The old cliché of ‘you are what you eat could possibly hold some truth. Thousands of sufferers have gout because of their unhealthy diets. Gout has been diagnosed for over 2,000 years.

In fact, gout was once considered the “disease of kings”, primarily because it was thought gout was a result of overindulgence in fatty foods and alcohol. 

Modern science has shown us that- while there are multiple reasons a sufferer could have gout attacks, thousands of people have been diagnosed with gout because of their diet!

Therefore, why not take your life back from the torturous disease of gout? Why not diet and treat your gout now and avoid flare-ups later?

10 Dieting Tips to Attack Gout before it Starts

  1. Avoid foods high in purines. Because uric acid (the cause of gout) is formed from the breakdown of purines, high-purine diets are often the cause of gout. Such foods include meats such as kidneys, liver, tripe, and tongue. Red meats also have been linked to gout attacks.
  2. Forget fish! Fish roe, scallops, and shellfish are also conducive to causing gout attacks.
  3. Watch these vegetables! Beans, lentils, asparagus, mushrooms, spinach, and peas are also high in purines!
  4. Eliminate Alcohol! If you are a man, do not consume more than 2 alcoholic drinks per day. If you are a woman, no more than one drink per day. If you are regularly having gout attacks, eliminate alcohol completely.
  5. Workout! Being overweight can lead to high levels of uric acid in your blood. Finally, get that workout membership, and try to do cardiovascular workouts at least three times a week. Start slow and don’t get burned out!
  6. Grab a dumbbell! Did you know your body will burn fat almost the whole day while it repairs muscle! Start a weight-lifting program to lose weight! Again, start slow!
  7. You heard this twice, Start slow! Fasting or losing weight too quickly can actually lead to an increased level of uric acid and worsen your gout symptoms.
  8. Drink! You should be drinking at least 10 to 12 eight-ounce glasses of water each day. Better tip: Try drinking away your gout with alkaline water with a pH of greater than 7.
  9. Dairy… Your New Best Friend! Start eating low-fat dairy products because of the low-purine count!
  10. A… B… Vitamin C! You have been alive long enough to know what foods are high in vitamin C! These Vitamin C fruits and some vegetables will help get your life back to normal!

Finally, don’t stop here! This is just the beginning of the path to getting your life back to normal and treating your gout. Life is too short to be miserable from gout.

Now Listen Very Carefully Here:

Gout is NOT for life — I cured 3 years of gout in 4 weeks

First, let me tell you: you have all my sympathy. I know exactly what you’re going through. When I had gout it was the worst pain I’d ever experienced. I honestly thought I was going to suffer it for the rest of my life.

I know gout will be pretty unpleasant for you too. But what do we do about it?

Eat less meat? Drink less alcohol? Drink more water? Follow the usual advice?

I did all that. It made zero difference to me. The pain remained as bad as ever. Our doctors mean well but the medications they prescribe are trying to manage the disease rather than cure it.

That’s not what a gout sufferer wants. I wanted that disease cured, not managed. I’m guessing you’re the same. Yet researchers from the US and Europe have already worked out what causes gout.

In fact, they’ve known for some years now.

And there is a drug-free natural health program that turns that knowledge into a cure. It has now worked for thousands of us.

It’s not complicated. I had gout for three years. I got rid of it in four weeks.

Since then?

More than two years with no flare-ups. No pain. No nothing. Simply no gout.

It’s your turn now. Let me tell you how it works.