Friday, February 3, 2023

3 Unusual Arthritis Treatments That May Actually Work

Today there are about 70 million Americans with arthritis…that’s one person out of every four who suffer both pain and the expense of this crippling disease.

So it’s no wonder that some pretty interesting arthritis home remedies have sprung up over the years — and a few of them may just do the trick.

There are many unusual remedies for arthritis that have been found to be helpful by some people. Some popular remedies include:

1. Bee Sting Therapy

As far back as around 400 B.C., Hippocrates — the Greek physician commonly referred to as the “father of medicine”, used bee venom to treat joint pain and swelling, in fact, bee venom therapy has been around for thousands of years.

Reference to the treatment can be found in ancient Egypt and Greek medical writings.

Also known as apitherapy, the technique is more widely used in Eastern Europe, Asia, and South America. Today many people still find the stings of honeybees helpful when addressing conditions such as rheumatoid arthritis (RA), and osteoarthritis.

Honeybee venom contains many active substances one of which is ‘Mellitin’, an anti-inflammatory agent which is known to be more than one hundred times stronger than cortisone.

These substances stimulate the body’s release of the hormone cortisol as well as neurotransmitters such as dopamine, norepinephrine, and serotonin, all of which can help relieve the pain, stiffness, and swelling of arthritis.

Caution…. Allergic Reactions

Yes, it does sound like a quick fix for your arthritis pain, however, unfortunately, bee stings are noted for triggering an allergic reaction called ‘Anaphylaxis’ or Anaphylaxis shock.

Anaphylaxis is a life-threatening type of allergic reaction, so caution should be shown if you are considering this course of treatment.

2. Snake Venom Arthritis Methods

Dr. Nafthali Primor, R&D (Research and Development) Manager of Shulov Institute for Sciences, Ltd. was the first physician to declare snake venom as an efficient natural method to relieve arthritis pain.

Dr. Primor and his team have identified the presence of certain highly potent chemicals in the venom of diverse species of rattlesnakes, cobras, and vipers. These chemicals can be effective as analgesics for the chronic pain symptoms of a number of diseases, such as cancer and more notably arthritis which predominantly causes severe pain.

Early Accounts of Snake Venom Use

Although Dr. Primor’s declaration was the first official statement of snake venom’s healing properties, the concept has been prevalent through time. Long before Dr. Primor made his discovery, people have already claimed being cured of arthritis through snake bites alone.

The earliest reported case was that of a 66-year-old Englishman with chronic arthritis. After getting bitten by a snake, he declared on the BBC news channel in 2002 that his finger joint pain was completely gone for at least 3–4 weeks after the bite.

However, the pain did return after that period of time, first only appearing in mild amounts for 2 more months, and then coming back in full force in the succeeding months. Not surprisingly, the mystery of the “arthritis-curing snake bite” caught the attention of a number of people back then.

Dr. Primor and Snake Venom

At a young age, Nafthali Primor already demonstrated a certain affinity for snakes. He quickly became fascinated with the medicinal benefits of snake venom. Perhaps this is why he was destined to ultimately discover this alternate arthritis method.

In the 1980s, a Russian colleague by the name of Dr. Shulov told Dr. Primor that Russians have long used venom salves to treat chronic aches and pains. This revelation encouraged Dr. Primor to pursue the concept and do further research.

Snake Venom Arthritis Methods

The first pain analgesic developed was VeP-3, which was taken from the venom of Palestinian Vipers. Dr. Primor observed that of the thousand or so molecules present in the snake venom, only 4–5 molecules are in fact venomous. This means that at least 99% of the substance is non-poisonous and therefore can be harvested for various medicinal potentials.

Dr. Primor currently hopes to develop a snake venom pain relief cream for the specific purpose of alleviating arthritic pain. He cites as a key example a “super aspirin” product by Merck & Company named “Aggrastat”, which effectively prevents heart attacks and blood clots. This medication is also based on snake venom.

At present, snake venom arthritis methods still have a long way to go. Ongoing scientific studies continue to explore ways in which this substance can be effectively and safely used for a variety of medicinal purposes.

Extensive research also aims to develop a superlative cream that will ultimately cure arthritis. In the meantime, while the world awaits more breakthroughs in snake venom use, please take care not to experiment with your own body by getting snake bites on your own.

3. Leeches

If you can get over the yuck factor, these blood-sucking worms could be the answer to your arthritis knee pain. In a recent study, German researchers discovered that placing four to six leeches on an aching knee eased pain better than the leading topical anti-inflammatory treatment.

Don’t expect your doctor to cover you with leeches just yet; the study authors admit more research is needed to discover exactly how the unlikely treatment works. But they hope the findings could help them come up with a topical medication you could one day slather on your sore joint.

CAUTION: Now I need you to pay very close attention to this

This 3 step strategy completely reverses arthritis in 21 days or less

Imagine for a moment your arthritis completely vanishing right now.

If, in a moment, your pain and stiffness melted away. And your joints all of a sudden functioned like a well-oiled machine.

If a magic wand was waived, you’d be able to jump up from your chair and run around the room like a kid.

And imagine that you’d never have to suffer as much as a pinch of arthritis stiffness or pain ever again.

This is not a fantasy. Thousands of people have permanently healed their arthritis following the 3 simple steps explained here…